Sunday, June 28, 2009

My Lovely Saturday Evening!

Not quite related to crochet, but I did say that this blog was for me to narrate my crocheting while I'm dealing with my newly (finally!) diagnosed Ulcerative Colitis...

I spend the evening in the ER, as my symptoms got more severe the previous night and this past morning and early afternoon. After quick consultation with my GI doc, he recommended that I go to the ER for IV steroids, IV fluids to alleviate my dehydration, some blood work, and some tests (x-ray, etc). We got to the hospital by 5 pm earlier today, and I was discharged a little after 11pm.

Along with all the fluids, and steroids, they found I had low potassium, so they gave me a potassium drip (not something burns....).

The good news, is other than all the other stuff I've got wrong with didn't find anything drastically bad that I had to be admitted or even left for observation overnight, and I left feeling even better that I had felt the previous day. The sucky news is, I'm done with the Entocort EC (steroid) that I had been taking for the past 2 weeks, and now I'm on Prednisone, a pretty strong steroid.

At least I'm going in for an app't with my GI doc on Tuesday morning, so he'll see if he wants me to stay on the Prednisone or not. Plus I have felt a lot better ever since they gave me that first IV infusion of steroids when I got to the ER.

We'll see tomorrow how I feel, and hopefully I'll be able to do both an update on the crocheting I've done recently, and get some more crocheting done (didn't have a chance to do any today).

Good night!

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